Top Partnerships
All matches, , Prestwich 21-Apr-2007 to 22-Sep-2007
# Name Name Wk Club Date Opposition Ground Runs
1 R Scargill J McAndrew 3 PRW 26-Aug-2007 Clifton 3XI The Heys 160
2 J McAndrew J Garstang 1 PRW 22-Sep-2007 Greenmount 3XI Brandlesholme Road 150
3 M Taylor J Fiorentini 2 PRW 09-Sep-2007 DSL 2XI The Heys 135
4 C Duxbury M Hudson 1 PRW 04-Aug-2007 Flowery F'ld 1XI Throstle Bank Street 120
5 M Hudson I Walker 2 PRW 11-Aug-2007 Denton 1XI The Heys 110
6 I Walker C Duxbury 2 PRW 15-Sep-2007 Thornham 1XI The Heys 110
7 M Hudson I Walker 2 PRW 28-Apr-2007 Dukinfield 1XI Higher King Street 109
8 A Bradley J Fiorentini 1 PRW 15-Sep-2007 Thornham 2XI Grange Road 100
9 J O'Connor S Haslam 3 PRW 04-Aug-2007 Flowery F'ld 2XI The Heys 96
10 S Haslam R Scargill 1 PRW 11-Aug-2007 Denton 2XI Egerton Street 95
11 P Walters I Walker 4 PRW 22-Jul-2007 Flowery F'ld 1XI The Heys 93
12 M Hudson S Orrell 1 PRW 29-Apr-2007 Egerton 1XI The Heys 91*
13 P Walters C Thomas 5 PRW 09-Jun-2007 Glossop 1XI The Heys 89
14 D Fitzmaurice S Haslam 1 PRW 29-Jul-2007 Roe Green 2XI The Heys 85
15 L O'Brien J Fiorentini 2 PRW 03-Jun-2007 Irlam 2XI The Heys 82*
16 C Duxbury I Walker 2 PRW 16-Jun-2007 Denton West 1XI The Heys 81*
17 J McAndrew R Scargill 2 PRW 27-Aug-2007 Greenmount 3XI The Heys 81
18 S Orrell M Hudson 1 PRW 05-May-2007 Woodbank 1XI The Heys 80
19 J McAndrew T Barling 7 PRW 15-Sep-2007 Fothergills 3XI Rock Nook 80
20 C Duxbury S Orrell 3 PRW 27-May-2007 Cheet'm Hill 1XI Catherine Road 79*

Last updated 24-Sep-2007.