League Tennis at Prestwich

by | Saturday April 2nd 2016 | Tennis

Last season saw mixed fortunes.  We had successes with the Autumn mixed B team winning the first division and the Ladies B team gaining promotion, but the Oldham League Mixed A team were unfortunately relegated to the second division. Several potentially winnable games had been cancelled or re-arranged due to weather and with star player Paul Jepson out for the whole season, this no doubt affected the team’s position.  The Mens B team were also relegated from the 1st division.  This was always going to be a tough ask and with one of their key team members out for the whole season, this was not a great surprise.

One of the main concerns for League Tennis generally is the number of Clubs declining and unable to run teams.  It is largely to try and establish a stronger league that a proposed merger between the Manchester and Oldham League, was mooted last year.  This will not take place for at least another season, maybe longer, but both leagues have agreed to play on fixed nights.  These being Monday and Tuesday in the Oldham League and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Only Clubs with three mens or ladies teams (such as Prestwich) will be allowed to have home games on Friday.  As a result of these changes to league playing nights, three teams will have different home nights.  The mens B team will play Friday instead of Monday, the ladies C team Wednesday instead of Monday and the Oldham A and B will play on Monday evenings.

2016 Captains

Mens 1st team – Chris Lord
Mens 2nd team – Simon Boyle
Mens 3rd team – Phil Handley
Ladies 1st team – Sue Marcroft
Ladies 2nd team – Christine Fitzmaurice
Ladies 3rd team – Liz Owen
Oldham League A – Helen Lord
Oldham League B – Mike Tasker
Under 14’s  – Dom Hunt
Under 17’s – Joanne O’Hanlon
Mixed Autumn League – A Team Sue Marcroft, B Team Deana Kaye, C Team (TBC)