Bowling section presentation Friday 5th November

Bowling section presentation Friday 5th November

Congratulations to our team for winning the Prestwich Bowling League Knock-out competition. The Bowling Presentation Night is on Friday 5th November, 7pm for 7.30pm and will be followed by pie and peas, a quiz (£5 per person for the food and quiz) and a 21 prize...
Bowling Memorial Shield, 11th September

Bowling Memorial Shield, 11th September

We will be hosting our Bowling Memorial Shield competition on Saturday, 11th September at 1pm. This is a pairs or trios competition in memory of Dave Burwin, Dennis Richardson and Beryl Worsley and is open to all members and friends.
Bowling competitions this Sunday

Bowling competitions this Sunday

At last we are able to hold domestic competitions! Next Sunday we will be holding the Ladies’ Presidents Singles Merit and the Mens’ Sylvester Singles Merit which had to be postponed. It Irene’s last year as President and she has very kindly offered to donate prizes...
Bowling section AGM

Bowling section AGM

The PCTBC Bowling Section AGM will take place in the clubhouse on Wednesday 30th October at 7pm. Please can all Bowling Section members make every effort to attend.